Dear Colleagues & Friends,
I'm excited to let you know about this upcoming course because it is the intersection of two topics that are so important to me and in our world today, love and trauma. These topics have been at the core of my work and I'll be sharing some new ideas that I've never released before.
As therapists, we often see our clients come to us to resolve and heal trauma. Sometimes this trauma is known and often it is unknown or blocked. Clients want out of pain and this is often the primary driver that gets them to make the appointment and show up in our office to do the work to heal.
When a client comes to us, we have to excavate the wounds slowly, with the client's readiness. As you go deeper, the client's physical, mental and emotional knots begin to relax.
But this is only half of the story. Once the trauma begins resolving, space is created for something new to emerge.
It is at this point in the journey that we can help our clients fully open themselves up to giving and receiving love. This sacred moment affects not only the client's current relationships—bringing love to trauma releases the generations that preceded the client's life and spares the generations that follow.
There is a natural progression and flow between trauma and love that has extraordinary potential...and as therapists, if we can understand how this flow works, then we can help our clients and be of highest service to them.
On this page, you will find out more details. I invite you to join me today for this special training.
Terry Real